BUG: temporary redirection fails under libwww-5.1b


  I just posted this notice to www-lib-bugs@w3.org.
  Has anyone else noticed this behavior?  
  Has anyone attempted a workaround?
  - Very puzzled indeed,

  Chris Pallotta
  Allmedia Solutions, Inc.
  108 Water St.  Watertown MA 02172
  P.S.  Please e-mail me privately, as I am not subscribed to the list.


  w3c is unable to retrieve any HTML source from http://www.sonicnet.com.
  Upon closer inspection, w3c fails on the second temporary redirection
  (HTTP Status 302).  Netscape Navigator 3.0 handles this site cleanly.
  I've enclosed the w3c output for the above problem.  Any guesses as to
  why this happens, and, is there a possible workaround?
  Thanks in advance,

  Chris Pallotta.

  P.S.  I am using a proxy for w3c (skippy.allmedia.com), but I don't 
        think it makes a big difference.  In running w3c with "-v",
	I find the first request sent returns the following redirection:
	but the next request sent fails to return a redirection:
	  "Redirection. No destination" and 
	  "Load End.... Request ended with code 302"
        are output in HTFilter.c

  bash% uname -a
  Linux gandalf.allmedia.com 1.2.13 #66 Mon Apr 7 09:43:59 EDT 1997 i486

  bash% w3c -version

  W3C Reference Software

        W3C Command Line Tool (W3CCommandLine) version 5.1b.
        W3C Reference Library version 5.1b.

  Please send feedback to <libwww@w3.org>

  bash% w3c http://www.sonicnet.com
  Looking up skippy.allmedia.com
  Contacting skippy.allmedia.com
  Contacting skippy.allmedia.com

Received on Friday, 2 May 1997 15:03:31 UTC