w3c command line POST : Can't access resource

I have the impression that problems with the command line tool
and POST are a FAQ, but I have never seen any answers.

From the documentation and some related mails, I guess that
something like this should work: 

w3c -post "local_file" -dest "http://server/cgi-bin/script" 

Am I mistaken here? All I get is the answer
"Can't access resource" 
which seems to be independet of the kind of server or local 
file I use.
Can anybody enlighten me if the syntax is correct and what
the error message means? Moreover, what kind of data is
really supposed to be in the local file? I suppose it is
the kind of text that a browser with a filled-out form would
send to the server, right? Something like "name=value"
and so on

Any hints would be appreciated,

thanks a lot,


Kay Hofmann                                Tel. +41 (21) 692-5892
ISREC Bioinformatics Group                 FAX  +41 (21) 652-6933
Swiss Institute for Experimental Cancer Research
CH-1066 Epalinges s/Lausanne          URL: http://ulrec3.unil.ch/
Switzerland                        E-mail: khofmann@isrec.unil.ch

Received on Monday, 28 April 1997 15:36:18 UTC