> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> [1.0] Who are you and how do you use libwww
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> [1.1] Do you develop or have developed applications that use libwww
> [x] Yes
> [ ] No
> If you didn't answer yes to [1.1], go to section 2.
> [1.2] What kind of application (you may cite the name too, if you want)
> [1.2] On which platform and environment (mark all that apply)
> [ ] X-Windows
> [x] Unix (includes Linux, Solaris, ...)
> [ ] Win32
> [ ] GTK
> [ ] Others (please cite):
> [1.3] Which language(s) did you use
> [x] C
> [ ] C++
> [ ] Others (please cite):
> [1.4] How do you rate your programming skills
> [ ] Experience programmer
> [x] Average programmer - in C anyway
> [ ]
> [1.5] What parts of libww do you use
> [ ] XML parser
> [ ] RDF parser
> [ ] HTML parser
> [x] HTTP
> [ ] FTP
> [ ] News
> [ ] Telnet
> [ ] Gopher
> [ ] SSL
> [ ] Others (please cite):
> [1.6] What applications of libwww do you use
> [x] Examples
> [ ] Robot
> [ ] LineMode parser
> [ ] Command line parser
> [ ] WinCommander
> [1.7] What modifications do you make to the code before you use it?
> [1.8] If you have any tests for libwww code, what parts of libwww
>       do you test and are you willing to contribute the tests to
>       the W3C?
> [1.9] Anything else you'd like to say

    I'm actually still not getting anywhere. MY tiny project got shelved a
week or two ago and i still haven't picked it up.

> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> [2.0] Your opinion of libwww
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> [2.1] In your opinion, libwww is (check all that apply):
> [x] useful to write sample code
> [x]  useful for learning how to program a WWW application
> [x] useful to write production code
> [x] Other: please cite

    slightly useful for writing a tiny component of a larger program, that
checks content-length headers. As soon as i work out how to do it anyway. I
think it's probably useful for all of the above, but difficult. I say useful
because i haven't seen any other libraries that can do it.

> [2.2] Do you find it useful that libwww is written in C
> [x] Yes
> [ ] No
> [2.3] Please explain your previous answer

    If it was written in cobol, for instance, I'd've had no idea how to read
the source code at all. As opposed to very little idea.

> [2.4] Do you feel that libwww too big?
> [ ] Yes
> [x] No
> [2.5] If so, which parts would you like to remove, or move to other
> [2.6] What are the things that you like the most of libwww

    Seems to be able to do everything you could ever need.

> [2.7] What are the things that you dislike the most of libwww

    I've had more trouble than usual getting it to do what I want. I only
want the tiniest of things, but it's been a royal headache doing it.

> [2.8] What are the things that you would like to change in libwww

    I personally wouldn't like to change anything. I haven't got the guts to
tackle THAT. But if anyone was going to change it, some kind of restructure
would be nice. I may merely be stupid but to me, everything seems to call
something else and you never can work out what actually DOES anything.
Perhaps the documentation lacks too.

> [2.9] What are the things you think that libwww are missing

    Quick and easy docos. Possibly some structure issues. It has an example
program that does exactly what I want, but doesn't seem to do anything with
the data it gets doing it.

> [2.10] Anything else you'd like to say
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Section 3: The future
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> [3.1] Let's continue with libwww
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> [3.1.1] Do you think it's worth it to have a WWW library?
> [x] Yes
> [ ] No
> [3.1.2] Do you know of any other similar libraries (please give a URL to
>         the project if possible)


> [3.1.2] Do you think it's worth it to invest time continuing enhancing
>         libwww and its architecture.
> [x] Yes
> [ ] No
> [3.1.3] Are you interested in joining the core team of such a project
>         (enhancing libwww)?
> [ ] Yes
> [x] No

    I'm too new to C, and have too little time. My day job is ferocious.

> [3.1.4]  If you are willing to write some new documentation or improve
>          existing documentation, which topics are you willing to document?

    Yes. As soon as I work out how to do it I'll gladly write a howto kind
of thing for my own problem.

> [3.1.5] Anything else you'd like to say
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> [3.4] Let's invest our forces enhancing an existing project
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> [3.4.1] Do you think it's better to enhance another existing project
>         merge our efforts)

    If there is one that's superior, yes. If no, then no. I'm using libWWW
cos I can't FIND anything else.

> [3.4.2] Are you interested in joining the core team of such a project
>         (enhancing an existing project)?
> [ ] Yes
> [x] No
> [3.4.3] Anything else you'd like to say
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> [3.5] Let's write it again
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> [3.5.1] Do you think the project should stop and start again from a clean
>         slate?
> [ ] Yes
> [x] No

    probably not. This is usually more trouble than it's worth. I'm not an
expert but the code didn't look THAT screwed. On the other hand if I was
given the job of fixing it I'd probably rather start anew. But I'm unusually
cagey about other people's code.

> [3.5.2] Which language would you use and why (please take into account
>         portability among systems)?

    C. It's THE standard, and it can do anything.

> [3.5.3] Are you interested in joining the core team of such a project
>         (starting a new libwww project)?
> [ ] Yes
> [x] No

    I have no knowledge whatsoever that could be of use.

> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> [3.6] Where to host it
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> [3.6.1] Should W3C continue hosting libwww or any other spin-off projects?
> [x] Yes
> [ ] No

    Who's more appropriate? I can't think of anybody.

> [3.6.2] SourceForge (SF): How would feel if the W3C transferred libwww to
>         SF project?
> [3.6.3] Are you currently involved with any SF projects?
> [ ] Yes
> [ ] No
> [3.6.4] If so, do you think libwww would fit into that developement
> [ ] Yes
> [ ] No
> [3.6.5] Do you have other suggestions of where libwww should be hosted?
> [3.6.6] Anything else you'd like to say
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> [4.0] Your comments
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> [4.1] Anything else you'd like to say

    I think the library's excellent if it actually does all the things it
seems to. It just seems too complicated for what it does, and has very
little usable documentation. It'd be a real shame to waste it.


Received on Friday, 22 September 2000 04:57:20 UTC