This may be a silly question, but I haven't been able to locate a definitive
answer in the user manual, FAQ, mailing list archives or indeed anywhere
else online:

1.	I can configure Jigsaw to extract and return only the RDF metadata
from a JPEG using a simple HTTP GET command with ;application/xml at the
2.	My question is: Is it possible to insert only the RDF metadata into
a JPEG using a HTTP PUT command, or must we use a filesystem tool such as
RDFPic and then afterwards upload the entire JPEG file?

I am very interested in using Jigsaw in a RESTful semi-automatic photo
annotation system, but have been unsuccessful to date in this particular
endeavour. GETting and PUTting just the RDF metadata from/to online JPEGs
would be extremely elegant and RESTful (as well as extremely cool!).

Thank you all very much for reading, and I look forward to hearing back from
some of you soon,

Fergal Monaghan,

DERI Galway.

Received on Thursday, 28 September 2006 16:41:28 UTC