Problems with SSIFrame

I having a problem using server side includes.  Below is the list of
steps I have done and what happens.  Let me know if anyone else has run
into this or what can be done to fix it?  I don't seem to have this
problem running on my windows development machine.


Thanks and let me know if you need anymore information,





Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.2-b28)

Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.2-b28, mixed mode)


Jigsaw = 2.2.2 (modified w/ bug fixes until 2.2.5 comes out)


OS = Solaris v8



1.	Created an html file with a server side include
2.	Created a servlet that outputs some javascript as needed
3.	Modified the resource in the admin console to have an SSIFrame
instead of a HTTPFrame
4.	Tested the page and everything was fine
5.	Shutdown the server
6.	Started the server
7.	Tried to test the page and it hung up
8.	Tried to shutdown the server using jigkill and it would never
shutdown properly.  I had to use kill on the process
9.	Did a touch on the file
10.	Started the server
11.	Tested the page and everything was fine
12.	Without the touch in the startup script the file always causes a
deadlock on the server







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