Re: Why GNUJSP with Jigsaw

Zahid Rahman wrote:
>GNUJSP runs in the same JVM as Jigsaw furthermore it is part of the
>Component model architecure which is the philosophy behind J2EE.

After seriously evaluating GNUJSP for a project we tentatively
decided to use Tomcat instead due to 3 issues:

	* It does not support JSP v1.2 or v2.0,

	* It does not appear to support taglibs, and

	* It implements no security features instead relying on the

If this list is correct:

	* Is anyone working on these issues?

	* Are there other JSP servlets worth looking at?

Roger Marquis
Roble Systems Consulting

Received on Tuesday, 21 January 2003 16:13:27 UTC