Updating Jigsaw to Java 2...

Steping through the codes of Jigsaw, I found there are about 324
deprecation on the classes dividing roughly as the following.

1. XML API. I uses Xerces 1.4.1 which contains SAX 2 API and deprecate
SAX 1 used by Jigsaw.

2. Servlet API. Jigsaw implements probably 2.0 API where
HttpSessionContext.java is still valid. This class is deprecated in 2.1
and will be removed in the future.

3. Use of java.io.StringBufferInputStream and several deprecated String
API. These API has effect on incorrect handling of non-ASCII characters.
It may affect the international use. 

  I am in Taiwan where primary languages is Traditional Chinese. Having
a system correctly implement I18N is important for us.

4. Deprecated Date functions. 

I'd like to know what would be the minimum requirement of Java to run
Jigsaw in the future version. We will update Jigsaw accordingly.

David Li

Received on Monday, 2 July 2001 11:25:05 UTC