Adding a new Frame

Hi there,

I am using Jigsaw 2.0.5 and have written a new Frame (extending the
RelocateFrame) using the Frame tutorial as a guide. I have compiled my
frame, created a JAR file and have made sure the JAR file is in my
classpath when I run JigAdmin.

I now want to add my frame to a resource but JigAdmin doesn't include it in
the list of available frames. How does JigAdmin know about new frames? Is
it just from the CLASSPATH or do I need to do something else to register
the new frame type?

The 'Resource configuration' tutorial has a description of adding a frame
to a resource but it doesn't seem to match what I actually see when I use
the JigAdmin client (I'm probably just being stupid!). Anyway, I run
JigAdmin, select 'http-server', and then go to the required resource in the
tree which I double click on to open the 'Edit Resource' window. In the
'Edit Resource' window I then right click on the resource and select 'Add
Frame' from the drop down list. This opens another window 'Add Frame' with
a drop down list of the available classes. Is it this list where I should
expect to see my new frame?

Any ideas what I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance,

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