[www-jigsaw] <none>

I am sorry but I was unable to configure Jigsaw to run servlets as Server 
Side Include.

 I created following shtml file:

 <BODY>   <P>You are number <B>  HAHA....

    <!-- #exec cmd="dir" -->    

<!--#servlet name="Count2" code="/servlet/Count2" --> Where is result   </B> 

To have accessed this page    


 File Count2.class is in subdirectory WWW/Servlet> 
The source sent by server to browser is:


 <P>You are number <B>  HAHA....>    

<!-- #exec cmd="dir" --> 

Inside Admin I configured Count2.class as ServletWrapper 

Your help will be very appreciated 

Sincerely Yours Alex Oscherov> 

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Received on Saturday, 1 April 2000 22:44:30 UTC