RE: Jigsaw SSL to be continued

On Wed, 9 Feb 2000, Mikael Petterson (BCS) wrote:

> Also we have been in contact with IAIK. They had a version of Jigsaw
> 2.0.4 (source patches) on their site. Mr Peter Lipp said he got the
> version from Jigsaw team. See the mail we sent to Lipp:

Here is an updated using the patched sources, I don't
remember how I managed to compile it, but it works (I use it on a test
https server and it runs with Jigsaw 2.0.4).

If someone wants to adapt the GUI so that it uses the std swingset from
jdk1.2, it would solve many problems, and ease doing new distributions of
Jigsaw-SSL :)

      /\          - Yves Lafon - World Wide Web Consortium - 
  /\ /  \        Architecture Domain - Jigsaw Activity Leader
 /  \    \/\    
/    \   /  \ -    

Received on Wednesday, 9 February 2000 16:24:11 UTC