Re: a first hello and a question

Benoit Mahe wrote:

> That's the index attribute right, but don't you forget to commit and save your
> changes?

I actually commited and saved it, but I saved the administration server stuff
and not the http server stuff!!!!
Sorry for this one.......

> > By the way, has anybody ever thought about porting the jigadmin ( = new
> > one ) to use jdk1.1.x with swing1.1.1??? Is somebody able to judge the
> > amount
> > of effort that would have to be put in such an effort????
> > uuups it's more than one question now!!!!!
> That's probably not a big deal, but the Jigsaw Team is only 2 peoples, and we have
> many things to do :(

I might think about doing it, but before I even start having a look at the source
I thought I ask some body whether this would be a great effort or not..
Like I am pretty ultra-busy myself actually :-)

Would there be actually any interest in such a port???
Cause just for me I won't do it!!!!!

cheers remo

PS. Est-ce que ton adresse mel ( <--- quelle insulte cette manie francaise!!!!!) me
     deviner justement que t'es a sophia-antipolis???? Car j'y etais aussi l'annee
      Mais pas a l'inria, mais a Eurecom! Je ne sais pas si tu connais cette petite
      Si t'es vraiment sur la cote, alor dit-la mille salutations!!! Elle me manque
      Bordel que c'est beau la bas.....   :-)

Received on Thursday, 21 October 1999 14:53:43 UTC