Right place for user-defined property file

Hello ,
I have two questions regarding placement of property file and helper classes
files that should not be
reloaded by the server.
I use Jigsaw 2.0.3
here is my classpath:
I have developed DatabaseConnectionPool class and DatabaseManager class for
managing the connection objects from DatabaseConnectionPool .
DatabaseManager reads all configurations for creating necessary connection
pools from property file
database.properties using getResourceAsStream method.
1.Where shall I put database.properties file to enable a servlet that will
use connection pool class to read this file in its init().Also how can I add
that resource in Jigsaw ?.I know how to add servlets , but I never add any
other resource like property file for example.
2.Where shall I put those two helper classes (DatabaseConnectionPool class
and  DatabaseManager  class) to avoid reloading problems? Also how can I add
them? using what kind of resources in Jigsaw.
I appreciate your answer ,
maciek brodala

Received on Friday, 24 September 1999 19:06:01 UTC