Jigsaw 2.0.3 reinstall madness

I'm assuming this is related to my classpath declaration, but I've tried
a number of different iterations and it's making me NUTS.  Running on
Win95, using JDK 1.2.2.  I originally had a successful install of 2.0.3
- foolishly decided to try installing 2.1.0, JigAdmin kept hanging,
couldn't reindex files, serving up partial pages, etc., so I decided to
clean it out and reinstall 2.0.3.

My current CLASSPATH declaration in autoexec.bat (which seems to take me
farther than others):


When I attempt to run the install.bat, I get:

C:\Jigsaw\Jigsaw>jview Install
Microsoft (R) Command-line Loader for Java (tm) Version 1.00.6211
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1996. All rights reserved.
                Jigsaw/2.0.3 setup.

ERROR: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: java/io/File: method
/lang/String; not found

When I attempt to run a straight "java Install" from the cmdline, I get:

C:\Jigsaw\Jigsaw>java Install
                Jigsaw/2.0.3 setup.

updating C:\Jigsaw\Jigsaw\config\http-server.props ... Exception in
thread "main
" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/w3c/jigsaw/http/httpd
        at Install.install(Install.java:133)
        at Install.main(Install.java:209)

Can anyone running this on Win95 give me any pointers?  I did NOT have
this much runaround the first time I installed 2.0.3, and I can't figure
out what it is.  I have projects on hold until I can get this puppy
installed correctly.

Joyeux Noel and all that!

-- mike c

Received on Tuesday, 28 December 1999 16:50:49 UTC