Using Jigsaw in a production environment


I have been using Jigsaw for a while now. Among others, I have
developped an authentification filter, but a big question arises:

Is it possible to use Jigsaw in a production environment with
the current JigAdmin? By production environment, I mean that
Jigsaw acts as a online reliable server that serves 24h/24h
let's say 100 users and that changes (like adding a user in a
realm) can be made without having to stop the service. 

In fact, I don't think it's possible now to use Jigsaw in a
production environment. For a simple reason: certain changes
(like adding a user in a realm) do not take place if you don't
stop JigAdmin and Jigsaw and then restart Jigsaw.

So I'm wondering if something will be undertaken to change that.
I would be very disappointed not being able to use Jigsaw and what
I have done up to now just because of this problem.

Thanks for your suggestions/help,

Ch. Buchs

Received on Saturday, 19 June 1999 12:53:56 UTC