Re: Servlet tuning (again)

Jigsaw was not designed for servlets, it is just a useful extension.
But it is not supposed to be so slow. I don't know why it is so slow
with your servlet, could you add some trace to see what piece of
code takes so much time?

Regards, Benoit.

Jaroslav Gergic wrote:

> I posted this question a few weeks before, but without any response....
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> I have the following problem running servlet under Jigsaw:
> I designed a simple servlet, which connects to the Oracle 7 database
> using thin driver (connects inside init() method). User can supply any
> SQL select using simple HTML form to this servlet. Servlet gets SQL
> statement through DoPost() method.
> Servlet loads data from database and renders HTML page containing
> result
> set.
> Under servletrunner it works OK and with following timings:
> 1: statements prepare 10 ms
> 2: data retrieval 20 ms
> 3: page rendering 100 ms
> Under Jigsaw it also works delay, but with long delays (using the same
> SQL query):
> 1: statements prepare 10 ms
> 2: data retrieval 20 ms
> 3: page rendering 3 - 4 sec
> These delays are occur randomly but very often cca 75% of hits.
> Other 25% is fast as using servletrunner.
> Environment:
> WinNT 4.0 SP3
> PII 266 MHz, 128 MB RAM.
> JDK 1.2
> Single client connected to Jigsaw web server = test application, no
> other hits.
> Solution?:
> I think problem can be eliminated with proper settings of caching
> and/or
> garbage collection
> policy. But I do not know these setting.
> Behavior described above is unacceptable for my web based application,
> response in 4 seconds
> with single performing task is very slow.
> Thanks for any suggestion.
> Gergi
> --
> Name: Jaroslav Gergic
> - student of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University,
> Prague
>   E-mail:
>   Web:
> - editor of the PDA section of Mobil Server
>   E-mail:
>   Web:

- Benoît Mahé -------------------------------------------------------
                      World Wide Web Consortium   (W3C)
                    Architecture domain - Jigsaw Engineer


Received on Tuesday, 13 April 1999 04:43:34 UTC