Re: Moving a jigsaw configuration around

On Mon, 12 Jul 1999, Augusto Sellhorn wrote:

> "Hopefully my last question for the day" :)
> We're going to use jigsaw for a product and I'm wondering how I'm
> supposed to "export" our configuration to our other customers.
> For example, if I was using Apache, I can replicate what we have here
> when distributing by changing all the text configuration files at
> installation.
> However, with Jigsaw, there's a couple of text config files and a bunch
> of binary stuff. There's also no non-GUI API for 
> administration/configuration.
> Are the binary configuration files supposed to be copied from one
> machine to the other ? We could probably put those in the CVS tree,
> I hope, that is if they don't have any path information.
> Is anybody doing something similar ?

The configuration is "moveable" the best example is the distribution
itself. You only have to provide the right properties and it runs, that's
the purpose of the little Install classes, but properties can be given on
cmdline (-Dfoo=bar).
So if you want to move to another machine, you move the whole stuff, rerun
java Install and it will run (provided you didn't address PassDirectories
not present on the new machine of course :) ).

Also, the future version (2.1.x) will have an xml-based configuration,
meaning that you can script easily the creation of a whole tree of
resources. (It already works, the new admin server talks in XML).

      /\          - Yves Lafon - World Wide Web Consortium - 
  /\ /  \        Architecture Domain - Jigsaw Activity Leader
 /  \    \/\    
/    \   /  \ -    

Received on Tuesday, 13 July 1999 04:36:26 UTC