configuration - moving around


I've included a question at the bottom - but since some won't make it down
I'll include it up there as well.

Can this server start up cold turkey - meaning without all the store and
indexer files?
If not, is this a design decision?  Or something that just happened?  If I
wanted to 
base work on top of this architecture, what approach would the designers


I've also been  looking into using some of the Jigsaw classes in an app.
Even more...
I'd hoped to replace the request/reply classes in the org.w3c.jigsaw http
package with my
own versions that live in my package but use the packages,

This latter rather than subclassing the jigsaw reply/request classes.

However, a straight plug-in in this fashion is not possible.  If you leave
the "stores"
configuration directory empty, things are not found - you get a nice 404

If you copy in the default files, you get a complaint that a class cannot be
(because something knows that it wants a org.w3c.jigsaw class that is not

I find that it is easy to get lost in all the ResourceReference and
container stuff that
is getting tossed around internally.  It is not clear how all the indexing
is done or what
files are really needed when the server starts up.  

Can this server start up cold turkey - meaning without all the store and
indexer files?
If not, is this a design decision?  Or something that just happened?  If I
wanted to 
base work on top of this architecture, what approach would the designers

Received on Monday, 12 July 1999 18:31:28 UTC