[www-jigsaw] <none>

>From bhagya@isac.ernet.in Wed Dec  2 17:34:55 1998
Date: Wed, 2 Dec 1998 17:34:53 +0000 (GMT)
From:  <bhagya@isac.ernet.in>
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To: gajit@xetex.com
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Status: RO


	I'm using
	Netscape Communicator 4.06
	Servlet JSDK2.0 jsdk.jar

	I need to load an applet from HTML page (in the browser), which in
turn need to invoke a servlet and pass data between applet and servlet.
can u please help me with this.


p.s : i could do this outside the browser. meaning, i could call the
applet from main and do the rest without any problem. but when i load the
applet from HTML page in a browser, it doesn't work.

Received on Wednesday, 2 December 1998 08:28:40 UTC