updated main file?


For whatever reasons I'm using the JDK1.2beta3 exclusively. When I executed 
jigadm under the beta code, mouse clicks started generating exceptions. jigadm 
is unusable. As a solution and as a pretext for getting better acquainted with 
JigSaw, I thought I would recompile the sourece under 1.2beta3.

There are a number of problems which are probably well know to jigsaw initiates 
(I'm not one of them, unfortunately).

Package naming changes have not been completely updated throughout the source 
files. This means basically that the 'org' level of the hierarchy is missing in 
a number of files. I haven't looked into the details of this but it is probably 
something that I can fix with a simple edit, provided the classes actually 
exist. This effects the 'indexer' group as well as 'contrib'

However, main.java in tools.resources is giving me trouble. Here are the two 
errors that my (nice little) Kawa system generates for me:

Main.java:35: Wrong number of arguments in constructor.

    manager = new ResourceStoreManager(storedir, root_class, root_name,


Main.java:288: Exception org.w3c.tools.resources.MultipleLockException must be 
caught, or it must be declared in the throws clause of this method.



2 errors

This, to be honest, is a little beyond me and even if it weren't, I'm not sure 
it would be my responsibility to make any changes.

Can anyone give me a hand with this? Can anyone say whether or not I could use 
the 1.2beta compile of the jigadm code along with the distribution binaries of 
the rest of jigsaw? Would it help?

Thanks.			...edN

Received on Friday, 24 April 1998 16:05:24 UTC