- From: Somchai LIMSIRORATANA <lsomchai@e7sun-1.kais.kyoto-u.ac.jp>
- Date: Wed, 1 Jul 1998 15:19:04 -0400 (EDT)
- To: www-jigsaw@w3.org
Dear All, I try to change jigsaw configuration to use file "index.html" for the direc tory path. But, I don't know, how to set it. First, I try to change the indexer/default/directory/*default*/HTTPFrame to use index.html but it does not work. Then, I try to change the space/root/HTTPFrame to use index.html. It work o nly first page of website. I don't think, I must change every directory resource. It is a hard work to move my old website data to use with jigsaw. Please help me. Thank you, ----------<Somchai Limsiroratana>lsomchai@e7sun-1.kais.kyoto-u.ac.jp---------- W Agric. Process Engineering and Technology Lab. H c/o Tawa sama W Dept. of Bio-production Engineering, H Tanaka-asukai-cho 60 W Division of Environmental Science and Technology H Sakyo-ku, Kyoto W Graduate School of Agric. Science, H 606-8226 JAPAN W KYOTO UNIVERSITY, Kyoto, JAPAN 606-01 H Tel:075-703-8169
Received on Wednesday, 1 July 1998 16:24:36 UTC