[www-jigsaw] <none>

I tried 
  java w3c.jigsaw.Main -host yuri -root H:\Jigsaw\Jigsaw
  java w3c.jigsaw.Main  -root H:\Jigsaw\Jigsaw
using the Jigsaw 1.0beta1 server.

The latter produces a server which terminates with a host not known error. The second produces a server which  
comes up OK on my OS/2 systems with the following;

  loading properties from: h:\Jigsaw\Jigsaw\config\server.props 
  Jigsaw[1.0beta1]: serving at http://yuri:8001/
  *** Warning : no logger specified, not logging.
  JigAdmin[1.0alpha]: serving at http://yuri:8009/

So far, so good but it then just sits there and doesn't respond to browser requests. Directing a Netscape 2.02 
browser to it  from the same or another machine results in a "Connect: Host yuri:8001 contacted" message, 
apparently indicating that the browser has found the server but the browser then sits and waits indefinitely. The 
Jigsaw server apparently does nothing. (IE4.0 from another machine does the same.)

The classpath is set to;
set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;H:\Jigsaw\classes\jigsaw.zip;H:\Jigsaw\classes\rtsp.zip;

The previous version (alpha) of Jigsaw  ran just fine on OS/2 with Java 1.1.1 and the earlier version ran fine with 
1.0.2. I'm currently running the OS/2 Java 1.1.4, which seems to be very solid and works with the other Java apps 
I'm using.

Does anyone have  ideas about this one?

Lincoln Rickwood.   <lrickwd@ibm.net>
Using OS/2 to get where *I* want to go today.

Received on Thursday, 22 January 1998 02:06:19 UTC