Re: Config Jigsaw as proxy problem

On Fri, 16 Jan 1998, Horng Yui-Wei wrote:

> I read the FAQ and try to setup Jigsaw as proxy, but meet some problem.
> The following is my setup step
> 1. Go to /Admin/edit
> 2. Add resource name:proxy, class:w3c.jigsaw.proxy.ProxyDirectory
> 3. Edit existing resource: proxy
> 4. set local-root to root, click ok
> 5. Goto property/General Properties
> 6. set to proxy, click ok
> then I want to save the properties and goto props,
> when I click Save Properties, 
> the browser try to connect to the jigsaw server but seems to have no
> response.
> Can any one tell me what's wrong with the steps?

You can try to access /root/Admin, as local-root is "root". Otherwise, 
you may have had a problem during the setting of the local-root of the 
proxy. That is the only explanation I can see.
Otherwise, you should use the jigadmin tool, which is far easier to do 
such things.
see for more 
info on the admin tool.

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Received on Monday, 19 January 1998 05:12:54 UTC