Re: What's up?

On 7 Jan 1998 wrote:

> [...]
> > The next release will be 2 releases, a more stable beta and the first
> > alpha of the 2.0
> Smokin'!  Can we get a two-minute summary/overview of the v2.0?

In the 1.0 all the resources served were extensions of the HTTPResource 
so the same low level resources like FileResource were linked to the 
The design of 2.0 allow multiple protocols to serve the same resource.
Now a resource have protocol frames which allows multiple protocol to 
share the same resource, for example, an HTTP frame and an HTTP-NG frame.
The ResourceStoreManager is in charge of giving resources to the servers, 
depending on the protocol used.
Along with that, there is the possibility of notifying observers of one 
resource. Suppose you have multiple people trying to configure Jigsaw at 
the same time, once someone has changed one resource, the others will be 
notified that this specific resource has changed. (It won't be in the 
release as the current protocol used by the admin tool is not ready to do 
"true push").
The ResourceStoreManager has been redone completely and now accept to do 
real reindexing (the 1.0 reindexing was... deletion!)
That are the big lines.

      /\          - Yves Lafon - World Wide Web Consortium - 
  /\ /  \                Architecture Domain - Jigsaw
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Received on Wednesday, 7 January 1998 05:24:16 UTC