Re: Autostart in Linux (S.U.S.E)

>You can have in the shutdown script which will issue a request on 
>/Admin/Exit to save everything. With the right Authentification of course.
>One such perl script has been posted a long time ago on this list.

What if the system crashes and the shutdown script cannot run 
properly? Will Jigsaw be able to recover from events like these?

Best regards
Rainer Klute

  Dipl.-Inform. Rainer Klute        NADS - Advertising on nets
  Otto-Hahn-Str. 18                 Tel.: +49 231 9751230
D-44227 Dortmund                    Fax:  +49 231 9751238


Received on Wednesday, 7 January 1998 05:08:16 UTC