Re: Problems installing jigsaw under Windows95

MS> I try to install jigsaw under Windows95. I got JDK 1.1.1 installed
     MS> under c:\jdk1.1.1, set the path to %PATH%;c:\jdk1.1.1\bin, set
     MS> CLASSPATH in autoexec.bat to
     MS> (tried backslashes, too), reboot, and then call java and it
     MS> with its usage. When I call the command "java w3c.jigsaw.Main
     MS> -root c:\jigsaw/Jigsaw/Jigsaw" (tried backslashes, too), java
     MS> reported "Can't find class w3c/jigsaw/Main".  From which
     MS> must this call be started? I tried c:\jigsaw and c:\jigsaw\ and
     MS> c:\JIGSAW\SRC\CLASSES, same result.

I've had the same problem, and the solution was very simple.
When You open DOS window under Win95 do not run NC or other Commanders.
I'm sure it will fix all the stuff.

Received on Wednesday, 28 May 1997 06:57:56 UTC