Re: Quick installation of jigsaw

Yael Stav wrote:

> Hi all,
> My problem is a bit complex:
> I want to install Jigsaw allready configured in a special
> configuration
> (with my own filters installed, with specific directoryResources
> etc.).
> I can copy the Jigsaw directory as is with all the files, and pass the
> root
> variable to Jigsaw as an argument ( -root  \MyRoot ), but that is not
> enough!
> When Jigsaw instantiates it's resources it'll read the file
> "http-server.props" in which the paths are not updated.
> Is there a way to solve this?
> I suppose what I need is one of two:
> a. Somehow make jigsaw save the properties in the props file as a
> relative path, not absolute.
> b. Somehow change the properties before Jigsaw tries to initiate
> itself.

For whom may be interested...
The problem has been solved by the following steps:
a. Changing some of the values in the http-server.props to relational
    was enough and was saved that way in other shutdowns of Jigsaw.
b. Passing Jigsaw the "-config" argument when initiated in addition
    to the "-root" I mentioned before.
{ For further details feel free to contact me }

Received on Wednesday, 28 May 1997 04:56:28 UTC