Re: Trouble creating a template directory.

On Fri, 18 Apr 1997, Anselm Baird_Smith wrote:

> Rick Anderson writes:
>  > Thanks for the information.  I've edited the code.  But I realized at the
>  > last moment that I'm using jdk 1.1.1, so I would need to recompile all of
>  > classes.  Does anyone have the equivalent of a makefile for windows95?
> You can use Jigsaw makefiles with the cygnus windows/gnu tools, check

I have been using this solution for several months, and it works fine. If
you are doing serious development with Jigsaw on win32, and want to build
a VPATH-happy set of makefiles, you need to do more work with the
makefiles, for instance, in file.make:

# This is a truly ugly hack needed to get javac to work on Win32.
# It will not accept forward-slash separated pathnames that make wants
# to spit out...
        javac -d $(OUTDIR) -O `echo $< | tr / \\\\\\\\`

It looks like VPATH is accounted for in the makefiles, but I am not sure
of how you get it to work smoothly on any platform.. I had to add more
targets to the makefile and have it walk the 'build' tree to get a working
only-rebuild-changed-files make going.

-Richard Bullington <>

Received on Saturday, 19 April 1997 15:12:26 UTC