Re: Trouble creating a template directory.

Rick Anderson wrote:
> I have determined that I need to create a Putable dircetory template, but
> when I try to create it by using the add directory button from the
> Directory Template page I get document contains no data.  If I fill it out
> incorectly I get the appropriate error message.  I really like jigsaw and
> would like to demo for some staff and faculty at Rutgers University, but
> this error is keeping me from being able to do the presentation.
> Does anybody know how to fix this?  I would really appreciate any advice.
> Thank you for time.
> --Rick Anderson
> ______________________________________________________
> Rick Anderson   |
> ________________|_____________________________________
> ------------------------------------------------------


Seems to me that this relates to the line 89 error
in -- at least I don't 
have this problem anymore... ;)  [this was referenced
in a post in the jigsaw archive]

Some time ago I removed that line, javac'd the file
and reinserted the class file back into
using a zip utility, e.g.
  zip -0 w3c\jigsaw\indexer\directory.class

Worked fine after that.  Some zip utilities muck up the
zip file (remember to turn off compression when adding the
file), but I don't know why.  Maybe other people do.  If
you corrupt the zip file you will get a w3c.jigsaw.Main
not found... so ALWAYS make sure to backup your zip file
before altering it.

Paul Pazandak                           www:
Object Services and Consulting, Inc.    email:
809 102nd Street East                   voice:  612-881-6498
Minneapolis, MN 55420-5409

Received on Thursday, 17 April 1997 12:09:04 UTC