Servlet problem


I'm using Jigsaw + servlets to produce some dynamic pages, and most 
of the time it works quite OK. But recently (after moving from a 
very fast UltraSparc to a rather slow SparcStation) I'v noticed some
strange behaviour. What happens is that sometimes (around 50%)
a page (with static contents) cannot be loaded completely by the 
browser. In stead I get some of the text, and then the download 
process is stalls. (I cannot blame the network since it is all 
locally). I'v tried with three different browsers and they all show 
the same behaviour.

I fear this might be a dreaded bug in Java that I heard about some 
time ago, which is related to writing to a socket (and has not been 
removed as far as I know). 

Comments anybody?

Orjan Reinholdsen

some (actually static) pages 
cannot be loaded completely by any (I'v tried three different 
types) browser. Some of the text 
Orjan Reinholdsen
Tel    +352-295759 3302
Fax    +352-295759 3900

Received on Thursday, 17 April 1997 04:39:49 UTC