Re: Jigsaw 2.0 !

Anselm Baird_Smith wrote:

> >  Does the current alpha5 (or your current snapshot) meet
>  > your standards for the above criteria? If so, then I guess it's
> just a
>  > question of renaming it 1.0 final.
> I guess that would be it (1.0alpha5 == 1.0 final)

OK, I guess I feel better now. It would be nice if W3C could make that
formal Jigsaw 1.0 final release in the near future.

>  > What I would not like to see is creeping featuritis or creeping
>  > designitis delaying a final quality release.
> I might have been unclear about it, but really this change doesn't
> involve any *design* change (ie stores, resources, filters and
> friends
> will remain there). Well, I guess the question would then be what
> "design" mean ;-)

I just meant that I would rather see any bugs fixed, performance
improved or code made robust done before any new design or implemention



Received on Wednesday, 16 April 1997 16:03:21 UTC