Add Resource anomaly

I'll check that one too


Art Rothstein writes:
 > If I try to add a resource without putting the class file in the right
 > directory, I get a good error message:
 > <<The field class has an incorrect value:
 > Invalid class name: FancyResource. Check the name of the class for a typo,
 > and then, check your CLASSPATH variable.
 > Click here to continue.>>
 > I then move the class file to right directory, click "here" and click
 > Create again.  I now get a misleading error message:
 > <<Fill in the name of the extension, and the class that files having this
 > extension should be exported with.>>
 > Subsequent attempts elicit the same misleading message until I change the
 > class name, hit Create, get the good error message, then go back and change
 > the class name back to the desired value.
 > -----
 > McKinley Systems
 > San Francisco
 > 415-399-9933

Received on Wednesday, 12 March 1997 02:41:56 UTC