Jigsaw SSL!

Hi Anselm,

I am investigating the possiblilty of adding SSL to Jigsaw.

Basic reflections:

1) I need two servers, one running at port 80 the other at 443

2) The two servers should have the same ressources with associated filters (realms too).

Question: They have to share the same stores or is there another solution?

3) Over the admin server it should be possible to change

    - http server properties
    - https server properties
    - ressources
    - filters
    - indexer properties (extensions, directories)

Can you provide me with additional useful information ?


Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Platzer
Technische Universitaet Graz - University of Technology Graz
Institut für Angewandte Informationsverarbeitung 
und Kommunikationstechnologien
Klosterwiesgasse 32/I, A-8010 Graz,
Tel: ++43 316 873-5527,Fax: ++43 316 873-5520
URL <http://www.iaik.tu-graz.ac.at/index.html>

Received on Friday, 22 August 1997 06:22:55 UTC