Re: Jigsaw, VirtualHost and Browsers...

On Tue, 22 Jul 1997, [iso-8859-1] Raphaël MARTIN wrote:

> Once again, I write an E-Mail to talk about VirtualHost...  Firstly I
> want to precise that VH are really a very useful resource... No really
> very good... 
> But I think this concept is supported by a few Browser...

Huh?  Virtual host has nothing to do with the client side.  The client
doesn't resolve those multiple domains.  The http server should be the one
to resolve these virtual hosts.  Or maybe the virtual hosts you're talking
about is different from mine. 

Neil D. Quiogue
IPhil Communications Network, Inc.

Received on Tuesday, 22 July 1997 06:39:32 UTC