- From: Raphaël MARTIN <rmartin@iri.upc.es>
- Date: Tue, 22 Jul 1997 10:47:47 +0200
- To: "'Jigsaw Mailing List'" <www-jigsaw@w3.org>
Hi, Once again, I write an E-Mail to talk about VirtualHost... Firstly I want to precise that VH are really a very useful resource... No really very good... But I think this concept is supported by a few Browser... I have designed my configuration to serve two sites on the same IP Address, using of course a VH resource But, testing my site with several browser, I find a lot of problem... With Netscape 3, y Amaya, it works fine... But with Lynx, IE, Mosaic 3.0, it does not work correctly... With those three browsers : The reply emitted by jigsaw is always the same : if I request either http://site1/ or http://site2/, the reply sent is equivalent to the reply generated when I request http://myIPaddr/ Therefore, it seems to me that VH resource does not work with those browsers... But where does it come from ???... I emit two hypothesis: - VH are out of the protocol supported by those browser... - those browser use an internal mechanism to change the domain(site) name with the IP Adress... So, if you have concluant test with those browser and VH, I think there something I am really missing with VH... Normally in few days, I will rebuilt entirely my site on another machine... So, all the corrupted store files will disappear... I hope that VH probelm will also do the same... But, I am not sure that will be sufficient... Hasta luego RAF
Received on Tuesday, 22 July 1997 04:53:53 UTC