Re:Adding a non 1 to 1 directory mapping

At 4:40 AM +1000 15/1/97, Mike Moran wrote:
>Hi. I've just started running Jigsaw to get an idea of its
>	capabilities, and i've hit a blockage ...
Welcome to the worm world of Jigsaw.

>	How do you add a non 1 to 1 simple mapping from a directory on 		a site
>as seen via a url to a physical directory, eg:
>	http://someserver/somedirectory
>	maps
>	to: somedirectorypath,
>	where somedirectory and somedirectorypath are 	*totally* different?

Did you look at PassDirectory. It is in the
w3c.jigsaw.resources.PassDirectory. It allows you to do symbolic link type
of things.

If it is not what you meant (wanted), please explain the difference between
your idea and PassDirectory concept and we will see if it can be done.

Hope it helps,

Received on Tuesday, 14 January 1997 17:58:04 UTC