Re: The new MS Java JDK

On Wed, 16 Oct 1996 16:07:03 -0400, Richard A. Guay wrote:

>I just downloaded the latest version of Jigsaw and the Microsoft Java JDK. 
>The Microsoft JDK will not run the Jigsaw program!  It gets stuck loading
>the preferences.  The Sun JDK will run Jigsaw.  Does anyone know why it
>will not run?  
Sure: because it's a Microsoft product.  Microsoft: (noun) A company which habitually sells 
software which does not live up to it's claimed performance and specifications.

Apologies for the rudeness, after a fortnight of struggling with a 10 user "upgrade" to Windows 
95, I just HAD to let off some steam!

Flame me if it will help you let off your steam...

FWIW, it runs fine under the OS/2 JIT JDK.


John Williams 		
Department of Marketing	
University of Otago	

03 479 8170 (Voice)	
03 479 8172 (Fax)

Received on Wednesday, 16 October 1996 16:14:12 UTC