Re: Jigsaw and Extensions

Dave Makower writes:
 > Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think what this person may be experiencing
 > is the persistence characteristic of the AttributeRegistry.  If you create
 > a new Resource class, and then compile it and try it out (thereby
 > registering its Attributes and their default values to the
 > AttributeRegistry), the AttributeRegistry will remember those default
 > values in the future.  If you recompile your class, changing the default
 > values, the old values (and other information about the Resource??) will
 > remain in the AttributeRegistry.  I have found that the only workaround for
 > this is to reinstall the server's config directory, thereby killing any
 > resident logical resources you have created.

Default attribute values are kind of broken, that's true. However the
persistency of resource attribute values (even default ones) is
definitely not a bug but a feature, although I understand why it gets
in your way here.

Insteasd of deleting the whole config, you can just "Reindex" the
appropriate resources to update them.


Received on Wednesday, 2 October 1996 13:19:01 UTC