Re: Jigsaw and Extensions

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think what this person may be experiencing
is the persistence characteristic of the AttributeRegistry.  If you create
a new Resource class, and then compile it and try it out (thereby
registering its Attributes and their default values to the
AttributeRegistry), the AttributeRegistry will remember those default
values in the future.  If you recompile your class, changing the default
values, the old values (and other information about the Resource??) will
remain in the AttributeRegistry.  I have found that the only workaround for
this is to reinstall the server's config directory, thereby killing any
resident logical resources you have created.

Not pretty, but I fear it is not a bug per se, but a "feature," (if a
temporary one).

>Markus Andrezak writes:
> > Hello.
> >
> > When trying to extend the Jigsaw 1.0 alpha version with a simple java-class
> > I realised the following:
> >
> > When I install a new reaource and then de-install it again, then change the
> > .java file, recompile and install the new, recompiled resource it has no
> > effect.
> >
> > Re-compilation doesn't change a thing. The old java.class, obviously still
> > resistent in the Java-interpreter gets installed.
> >
> > My question: Is it a bug or is it a feature?
>A bug I guess
> > Is this in the nature of the java-interpreter or is it Jigsaw-specific? Is
> > there a workaround? Or am I simply doing something wrong?
>I would say Java related, but I am probably biased ;-) The Java
>interpreter doesn't allow you to reload a newer version of a class
>(except by redefining a class loader, see the mailing list archive)

|    Dave Makower     |   |   WWW Specialist    |
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Received on Wednesday, 2 October 1996 13:08:58 UTC