Resource class for yet another access count

albert zhou writes:
 > I wrote a resource, called YAACResource, to generate an XBM image for
 > access counts (YAAC = Yet Another Access Count).  Configuring
 > YAACResource should be easy and straightforward (see the class
 > description).  Hope this is helpful and useful.
 > Critical comments are appreciated.

Looks cool ! Rather then redefine pickl/unpickle-Instance I would
probably have created a new Attribute class, like HashtableAttribute
with its own pickl/unpickle methods. It's more shareable...

Also, I would probbably have tried to make the count management more
orthognal to count display. I would like, for exampoe, to be able to
reuse your display engine (the one that creates the images), with
Jigsa'ws CounterFilter (which knows how to maintain the count).

Thats' all I can see after a rather quick look. Oops, no, the code is
nice, too :-)


Received on Sunday, 1 September 1996 18:57:39 UTC