Re: st-xx.bak

>This is a bug in Java (I didn't had time to look if 1.1 fixes it). The
>problem is that File:renameTo requires that you delete the target (if
>it exists) on Windows, but not on Unix. I think I fixed most the calls
>to File:renameTo, but would be glad to fix the ones I did miss. Do you
>have a stack trace ?

Hmm.  It doesn't seem to cause a stack trace when that occurs.  It just
fails to overwrite the files, and as a result doesn't checkpoint the
server.  I'll try to run it under the Symantec debugger, find out exactly
where it's happening, and get back to you.

(Note: I'm using Jigsaw 1.0a3, without any of the patches you have posted
to this list -- just too lazy/preoccupied to deal with the hassle of
recompiling those classes and reintegrating into  Hopefully,
the next version is imminent...)

|    Dave Makower     |   |   WWW Specialist    |
|     Co-author of "Java Programming Basics" (Henry Holt/MIS:Press)   |
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|   Pencom Systems Inc.            |   (212) 513-1975   fax           |
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Received on Wednesday, 18 December 1996 09:51:03 UTC