

I must confess to being a bit confused as to when I should be locking

If I'm sub-classing FormResource to get a form with several cards, do I
need to lock the cards ? If I refer to other resources from those
cards, do I need to lock those resources ? If my FormResource-like
class implmements ResourceStoreHolder, do I need to lock resources
which might be stored/retrievable in the associated resource store ?
(ie. if my formCard uses a resource which can be pickled/unpickled from
my resource store do I need to lock it or can I just assume that it
will be put away and retrieved appropriately ? )

As a semi-connected aside, how long do FormResources hang around ? (and
their cards ?) Also, I notice that the editors create a new instance
for each resource edited - do I need to have a resource per user for
my IndexplusResource form thing ?

Any advice gratefully received 


Joel.Crisp@bris.ac.uk | ets-webmaster@bris.ac.uk  | "I remember Babylon" -
Software Engineer, Institute of Learning and      |        Arthur C Clarke
Research Technology, University of Bristol, UK    |
http://www.ets.bris.ac.uk/                        |

Received on Monday, 2 December 1996 14:47:24 UTC