RE: AutoStarting Resource (was Request for feature: Logger.sync())

>Alexandre Rafalovitch writes:
> > At 9:03 PM +1000 12/11/96, Anselm Baird_Smith wrote:
> > I assume you want to use Timer entry to do checkpoint every N seconds.
> > Question is, how are you going to put Timer entry in the first place. If
> > you want to hardcode it, don't!
>Well, the problem with the httpd timer object, is that it's already a
>bottleneck (and as commiting changes might take long time, you really
>want a separate thread to run the code)

You mean it is a bottleneck because it is used for client timeouts? Would
establishing a second timer object (system vs client timers) solve the

 BTW, there should be some security on who can put what on Timer. Maybe
making timer resource package protected (default protection) would do the

Then the second timer would be accessable through the public function and
can have less priority as well as maybe a bit tougher securityManager


Received on Thursday, 14 November 1996 22:24:28 UTC