configure Jigsaw as proxy

Let's put the begining of our conversation on this mailing list :

My first mail was the following :
 > Hi,
 > I work under Win NT 3.51, and I have some problems while trying to 
 > configure Jigsaw as a proxy. I follow all the steps given in the FAQ
 > "How to setup Jigsaw as a proxy". After the command :
 > "java w3c.jigsaw.http.httpd -root e:\cyber\javaall\jigsaw\jigsaw", 
 > the following error appears :
 > "loading properties from: e:\cyber\javaall\jigsaw\jigsaw\config\httpd.props
 > *** [httpd]: fatal error, exiting !
 > w3c.jigsaw.daemon.ServerHandlerInitException: Unable to restore root resource
 > [proxy3] from store [e:\cyber\javaall\jigsaw\jigsaw\WWW\root.idx] (not
 > 	at w3c. (...)"
 > The fact is that root.idx is NOT in WWW, but I cannot configure jigsaw
such that
 > the program find root.idx in the right directory
 > Even if I copy all the files (root.idx, st-x...) in the WWW directory,
the same 
 > error holds.
 > Another problem, it seems that the Restart Server option does not work in
 > /Admin/Properties.

And, your answer was:


It looks like there are several problems:

a) If you are using 1.0alpha3, there is no reasons for Jigsaw to look
   in WWW/root.idx, rather then config/stores/root.idx. DId you try
   reusing a 1.0alpha2 config with 1.0alpha3 (you shouldn't)
b) You did a typo when typing the new root resource for the server, it
   looks for proxy3, while the proxy resource (if you have followed
   the FAQ)  should be "proxy". Fix this by manually editing

BTW: Use as much as possible the mailing list rather then personal
email, this really save a tremendous lot of my time, thanks.


So, I've cheked the version of Jigsaw, the 1.0alpha3 release is the one I
use. I didn't download any previous release of Jigsaw. A trouble due to
reusing an 1.0alpha2 config is not possible.

16 chemin de malacher 38944 MEYLAN ZIRST
tel : 04 76 90 55 65

Received on Sunday, 10 November 1996 05:16:56 UTC