Makefile question

Brandon Long writes:
 > We've been having problems using Makefiles with Java, and 
 > Jigsaw was no exception.

Yes, the current way of making Jigsaw is not particularly elegant (and
not portable).

 > The problem is that since all of the java programs are actually one 
 > script which attempts to determine what it is called by, when you
 > type make, make calls javac, and the script thinks its called by
 > the name "make" and returns with a make: not found message.
 > Is this because we are using csh/tcsh instead of ksh?
 > Is there a work around besides changing every javac in the Makefiles
 > to /bin/ksh /usr/java/bin/javac?

I have never get this symptom, but the Jigsaw/src/makefiles/*.make
defines a single rule to convert .java files to .class files; you can
try to overide it...[I hope it uses a JAVA variable ;-)]


Received on Friday, 21 June 1996 18:30:39 UTC