Re:Makefile question

At 6:10 PM on 20/6/96, Brandon Long wrote:

> We've been having problems using Makefiles with Java, and
> Jigsaw was no exception.
We actually do not seem to have any problem with that. I can't even
reproduce that (I think we use sun's make). I did not spent too much time
trying though :-}

> Is this because we are using csh/tcsh instead of ksh?
> Is there a work around besides changing every javac in the Makefiles
> to /bin/ksh /usr/java/bin/javac?

The solution I am proposing is not a to work around  makefile problems, but
work around javac being a script. You can get j2c and compile javac into
executable. That would get rid of shell script and would also speed javac
up. Kill two birds with one shot.

We use j2c'ed javac without problems for several monthes for now.

Hope it helps,

Ps. It was a bit of a problem to get j2c working at first, but once it is
done, everything was fine.

Received on Thursday, 20 June 1996 19:49:33 UTC