CGI problems

I have been working on the CgiResource, preparing it for the next
release. I know lots of people had trouble with it.

I tried to run John Okorondudu <> perl script,
although I am not a perl hacker, I wasn;t able to make it run without
some modification. John, if you are still here, can you tell me if
this script has ever run on any server ?

Also, I know people on OS/2 had a hard time with CGIs, I would like to
know if anything can be done to fix it (I can't remember if it was a
Java impl problem, or a Jigsaw problem).

I wil try it myself on windows, and make sure it is able to do
something usefull there, if Mac people could provide some feedback it
would be nice.

The most visible improvment I did to this resource, is to default
command[0] (the script path), to the resource path, which means that
you can now use the resource indexer, to declare all ".pl" files to be
exported by a CgiResource. 


Received on Friday, 9 August 1996 08:41:05 UTC