Image counter filter

I have developed a simple filter that replace a <--#counter--> tag in
a HTML document with an graphical counter.

I'm waiting for your suggestions.



 * @(#)	0.01 17 Jul. 96 Pasquale Di Feo
package pdf.jigsaw.filters;

import w3c.jigsaw.http.*;
import w3c.jigsaw.resources.*;

import java.lang.*;

 * The target is display a graphic counter on an html document.
 * The use is very easy. Add the filter to an HTML document and set the
 * <ul>
 *      <li>Counter - start counter
 *      <li>imgDir - dir (relative to document) that contains the images
 *      <li>imgPrefix - filename prefix to images (ie: digit_0.gif,
digit_1.gif -> imgPrefix = digit_ )
 *      <li>imgExtension - file extension (ie: .gif or .jpg, etc.)
 *      <li>imgWidth - width of images
 *      <li>imgHeight - height of images
 *      <li>nDigits - digits to display
 * </ul>
 * Create a directory (in the parent dir of document) with 'imgDir' name and
copy the images in it.
 * In the document the tag <!--#counter--> will be replaced with links to
images that represent the
 * digits of 'counter' attribute.
 * The 'counter' attribute will be incrementated on every page access.
 * The images must have the same size.
 * @version        0.01 17 Jul 1996
 * @author         Pasquale Di Feo
public class ImageCountFilter extends ResourceFilter {

     * Attribute index - The counter attribute.
    protected static int ATTR_COUNTER    = -1 ; // counter
    protected static int ATTR_IMGDIR     = -1 ; // images dir (relative to
    protected static int ATTR_IMGPREFIX  = -1 ; // image prefix filename
(ie: digit_
    protected static int ATTR_IMGEXT     = -1 ; // image extension (ie: .gif)
    protected static int ATTR_NWIDTH     = -1 ; // image width
    protected static int ATTR_NHEIGHT    = -1 ; // image height
    protected static int ATTR_NDIGITS    = -1 ; // filling with 0 digit

    protected final static String COUNTER_TAG = "<!--#counter-->";  // tag
to replace

    static {
        Attribute a   = null ;
        Class     cls = null ;

            cls = Class.forName("pdf.jigsaw.filters.ImageCountFilter") ;
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            ex.printStackTrace() ;
            System.exit(1) ;

        // Declare the counter attribute
        a = new IntegerAttribute("counter" , new Integer(0),
Attribute.EDITABLE) ;
        ATTR_COUNTER   = AttributeRegistery.registerAttribute(cls, a) ;

        a = new StringAttribute("imgDir", "img", Attribute.EDITABLE) ;
        ATTR_IMGDIR    = AttributeRegistery.registerAttribute(cls, a) ;

        a = new StringAttribute("imgPrefix", "digit_", Attribute.EDITABLE) ;
        ATTR_IMGPREFIX = AttributeRegistery.registerAttribute(cls, a) ;

        a = new StringAttribute("imgExtension", ".gif", Attribute.EDITABLE) ;
        ATTR_IMGEXT    = AttributeRegistery.registerAttribute(cls, a) ;

        a = new IntegerAttribute("imageWidth", new Integer(15),
Attribute.EDITABLE) ;
        ATTR_NWIDTH    = AttributeRegistery.registerAttribute(cls, a) ;

        a = new IntegerAttribute("imageHeight", new Integer(20),
Attribute.EDITABLE) ;
        ATTR_NHEIGHT   = AttributeRegistery.registerAttribute(cls, a) ;

        a = new IntegerAttribute("nDigits", new Integer(5),
Attribute.EDITABLE) ;
        ATTR_NDIGITS   = AttributeRegistery.registerAttribute(cls, a) ;


     * We count all accesses, even the one that failed.
     * @param request The request being processed.
    public synchronized int ingoingFilter(Request request) {
        // System.out.println("Valore del counter = " + getInt(ATTR_COUNTER,

        int i = getInt (ATTR_COUNTER, 0) ;
        setInt(ATTR_COUNTER, i+1) ;

        return CallOutgoing  ;

     * Take the input streamand re-create a new stream for reply
     * with replace of <!--counter--> tag with the links at the images.
     * @param request The request being processed.
     * @param reply   Reply to send to client
    public Reply outgoingFilter(Request request, Reply reply) throws
        // test if imgPrefix is set corretly
        String imgPrefix = getString(ATTR_IMGPREFIX, "");
        if (imgPrefix.equals(""))
            return reply;

        // test if imgExtention is set corretly
        String imgExt = getString(ATTR_IMGEXT, "");
        if (imgPrefix.equals(""))
            return reply;

        // Open the original stream
        InputStream in = reply.openStream() ;
        if ( in == null )
            // System.out.println("InputStream == null");
            return reply ;

        // create a DataInputStream for reading document lines
        DataInputStream ds = new DataInputStream(in);
        if (ds == null)
            // System.out.println("DataInputStream == null");
            return reply;

        String       strTmp;
        StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
        int          nPos   = -1;

            // Read the lines
            while ( (strTmp = ds.readLine()) != null)
                // System.out.println(strTmp);

                // test if the line contain COUNTER_TAG
                if ( (nPos = strTmp.indexOf(COUNTER_TAG) ) != -1)
                    // System.out.println("counter found");

                    // replace the tag with links at images
                    strTmp = insertCounter(strTmp, nPos);

        catch (IOException e)


        // create a new stream
        StringBufferInputStream strIS = new

        // set the replay stream

        return reply;

     * Replace the tag with the links at images
     * @param  strIn String in input
     * @param  nPos  start position of tag
     * @return String replaced
    protected String insertCounter(String strIn, int nPos)
        String strCount = Integer.toString(getInt(ATTR_COUNTER, 0)) ;
        int    nDigits  = getInt(ATTR_NDIGITS, 5);

        StringBuffer strOut = new StringBuffer(strIn.substring(0, nPos));

        int nFill = (nDigits <= 0) ? -1 : nDigits - strCount.length();

        // if nDigits is > 0 fill with 0 digits
        for (int i = 0; i < nFill; i++)

        // create the links
        for (int i = 0; i < strCount.length(); i++)
            strOut.append(createImgLink( strCount.charAt(i) ) );

        strOut.append(strIn.substring(nPos + COUNTER_TAG.length() ) );

        return strOut.toString();

     * Create the html link to the digit image
     * @param digit
    protected String createImgLink(char digit )

        String imgDir    = getString(ATTR_IMGDIR   , "");
        String imgPrefix = getString(ATTR_IMGPREFIX, "digit_");
        String imgExt    = getString(ATTR_IMGEXT   , ".gif");
        int    nWidth    = getInt(ATTR_NWIDTH      , 5);
        int    nHeight   = getInt(ATTR_NHEIGHT     , 5);

        StringBuffer strLink = new StringBuffer("<img src=\"");
// start of tag

// img source
        strLink.append(" width=").append(nWidth);
// img width
        strLink.append(" height=").append(nHeight);
// img height
// end of tag

        return strLink.toString();


Received on Wednesday, 17 July 1996 07:31:38 UTC