CvsDirectoryResource, and server configuration in general

I have just started playing with Jigsaw and have been attempting to
configure the CvsDirectoryResource.  I have been fairly successful,
but I have some questions:

	1) Configuration of the properties:
		I needed to configure


		for my system.  I did this by editing httpd.props.  Am I
		correct in my deduction that this is needed due to the
		lack of a generic properties editor?

	2) Viewing of files:
		I followed the tutorial on setting up the CvsDirectoryReource
		as a directory template.  I used this to examine some CVS
		repositories.  My problem was that Jigsaw was filtering out
		all the files whose type it could not determine.  For example,
		a directory containing lots of .C and .h files under CVS
		would show up in Jigsaw as only containing the CVS directory.
		The browse of the CVS directory would show me the CVS status
		of the files that were local, but they would not show up

		Do I need to create resources or types to describe every type
		of file?? or can I install some form of default resource.

	3) Under what circumstances and where are the .jigidx files generated?

		I am concerned about file system pollution by the server.  I
		want to serve files that are part of a large NFS file system
		that will be accessed by many macines for many purposes and
		I can't be sure that my Jigsaw server will be the only one
		accessing a particular directory in this NFS space.  In
		addition, I can see reasons that we may have multiple servers
		accessing the same space with different resource configurations
		so that the servers view the same data, but serve it in
		different ways.

		I would like to be able to contain the information stored in
		the .jigidx files in some server local space so that multiple
		servers can configure themselves and the resources associated
		with particular directories without fear of conflict.

Eric Anderson

Received on Monday, 15 July 1996 20:45:09 UTC