Re: CvsDirectoryResource

After realizing the true meaning of 'CVS', I remembered that June's MacTech
magazine had an article on version control software which discuss SCCS,
RCS, DSEE etc. and a new (macintosh platform specific) tool called VooDoo.
The article is really informative if version control interests you. The
VooDoo technology uses an orthogonal organization model to not only control
version, but control components, variants and revisions in an object pool
and although (to me) it's still quite complex, it is (supposedly) easier to
use than it's predecessors.

According to the author, Christoph Reichenberger, not only does the VooDoo
technology work for source code, it will work for CAD, desktop publishing,
technical documentation and more. If anyone is interested, the authors home
page is:

Received on Wednesday, 3 July 1996 15:46:06 UTC