Re: CvsDirectoryResource

>Jeff Dripps writes:
> >
> > Simple question but cannot seem to find an answer anywhere.
> >
> > What are "CVS Directories"? What the heck does the "cvs" stand for?
>If you figure out how to configure it (probably a real challenge as of
>today), the whole cvs stuff gives you CVS accesss through HTML
>forms. CVS is a control version system (it allows multiple people to
>work on the same set of files), a UNIX thing, I beleive.
>CVS == Concurrent Version System.  It's a source code management system
>designed to deal with heirarchical trees, rather than the flat
>directories that RCS (Revision Control System) or SCCS (Source Code
>Control System) use.  Actually, CVS is implemented as a layer built atop
>CVS is a GNU package, available from; it requires RCS,
>also available at prep...
> - Lee

Thanks guys for clearing up my 'terminology paranoia'.

In this new platform independent world, I guess there are still a few
platform dependent terminology issues yet to be resolved (or at least
documented). (:

Anselm, you have done a great job on the Jigsaw documentation! It is very
clear well laid out, and most of all, includes examples for extending the
server by writing new filters and resources, (and the examples actually
work!). Being a Java newbie, these examples have provided great insight.
Thank you! -jeff

Received on Wednesday, 3 July 1996 15:26:26 UTC